lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


After watching this video in class and writing about it, please leave a comment expressing your opinion about the short film and the song in it.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011


To close our unit about appearance and open our second unit about cities. I invite you all to watch this publicity stunt by Carlsberg.  It takes place at the cinema of a big city. Please watch the commercial:

Now comment on it trying to answer these questions:
How would you describe the appearance of the "bikers" in the advertisement? What did you think about them the first time you saw them? Why did they all clap the couples that decided to stay?
Is appearance important? Does it really reveal our personality? Do we have old-fashioned schemes to judge people by their appearance?
What would you do in a situation like this?

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

The UK and The USA, Two Multicultural Countries.

After listening to Antonio's and Pepe´s presentation about "Multicultural Britain" (Report 1 in your text book) and after reading the article "Melting Pot or Salad Bowl", about multiculturality in The USA, we had an interesting debate in class about this aspect of both societies. Please leave your comment and opinion here. Mention what you think about immigration. Is it a "plus" to the country that receives immigrants  or is it a "danger"? What do you think is better or richer to live in a multicultural place or in a non multicultural one?