martes, 5 de abril de 2011


After reading Romeo and Juliet with my students in the fourth year of Secondary Education, we watched the film West Side Story, based on the play by Shakespeare, but adapted to describe the conflicts between two rival gangs in New York in the 1950's.

The film was awarded with ten Oscars in 1961, included "Best film Award" and it was a real turning point in the hsitory of musical films. It was directed by Robert Wise and the music, famous all over the world, was written by Leonard Bernstein and the lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Jerome Robbins was in charge of the coreography and Ernest  Lehman was the scipt writer.

We saw the film in English with English subtitles, but they could follow it quite well. I think they all enjoyed the film, but just to make sure I would like all of them to write a comment on the film including his/her opinion about the film but mentioning any other details like the differences with the play Romeo and Juliet, the topics on the film, the actors and actresses, the sceneries, etc...

To my students:
I would appreciate if you all sign your comments with your real names as a continuation to the debate we had in class. Thank you to you all.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments!!